They hold. Once again not a single Axis unit attacks.
Losses are at their baseline.
I am praised for my forces in the Transcaucausus. (I'm not sure when to stop writing that one to be honest.)
I do find one attack to make in the quagmire. But the weather is clearing.
The tank corps are building up, abeat slowly.
The Luftwaffe take to the air. This heralds some incoming pain.
They start their attacks in the south.
Mostly this part of the line manages to hold.
They hit us hard south of Kiev.
They hit weak spots along the line.
osses spike and are not going to be going down for a while I think.
The line south of Smolensk is the target of their main offensive though.
Concentrated attacks shatter my line.
Losses are high, and units are fleeing east.
They also hit along the flanks of the bulge.
They also hit along the flanks of the bulge.
Army group centre has concentrated its tanks here.
Forward movement is thankfully limited.
There are a few attacks in the north, but they are mostly rebuffed.
150k losses, for only 18k kills - reports say they are getting a lot of the frostbitten troops back on the lines.
Thankfully Stalin replaces our losses for the turn with fresh reserves.
Here I'm able to advance up to put our line across the river.
I put the troops back into line along the Smolensk front – but there are over a dozen units in depots trying to reform.
We rout some Italians.
We rout some Italians.
Are you all ready for a rough summer?

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