The Germans begin by reconnecting to their trapped panzer division.
Then they shatter a unit.
In fact, they destroy three! This is turning into a serious offensive.
This is a fair penetration into our lines.
Attacks in the south are initially rebuffed.
The Germans take some losses as our men hold the line.
They begin to break through the line.
Our forces are broken across the area, but there is not much more forward movement.
Losses are more acceptable this week.
With the north quiet, I focus on patching up the hole in my line.
I even manage to push back an infantry division.
Though the second one holds the line.
Though the second one holds the line.
Though the second one holds the line.
This will help keep them worried, and maybe force them to spread out their forces.
But this is a lot of attacks.
And all of them successful.
The mud is growing in Germany, so dig lads, dig!

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