Thunderous gunfire sounds the start of a new German advance!
My lines are hit again and again.
In some places, entire units just melt away.
As well as that advance, they push to the north.
This is definitely the start of something big.
They still cause some heavy losses in other areas of the front.
Let's not forget the south, as a new offensive begins here as well.
Losses are high.
Though here we hold – if only for a time!
It's not as deep, but it's a general advance.
150,000 losses – that's horrific!
Though they have stripped the rest of Europe to do this!
I decide to hit them where I can.
So we see spot attacks across the front.
This will disrupt them at least.
I fill the gaps and isolate a Panzer division.
Further south, I find a long line of weak troops.
And a mini advance takes place.
I patch the south the best I can. I pull a thousand tanks, two thousand guns and two hundred thousand men from the reserves. Time to hunker down for the summer offensive!
The line is looking straighter, and more defensible now.

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