The Germans hit us across the lines.
There is a General push along the line, moving some of the advancing units back a hex – as you can see, the blizzard is down from 6 to 4, which brings their combat strength back somewhat.
I don't think it's the lead guys you need to be worrying about here.
Most of the hits cause us thousands of casualties.
here is a counter attack in the south.
The losses are especially heavy here.
There is no major breakthrough however.
63,000 losses are still in the acceptable range – for this war in this time.
The RAF continue their raids.
My forces flow through the still huge gaps in the line. We are going to be stretching their lines somewhat doing this.
These guys are cut off, but it's trivial to reconnect them.
In the south they have pulled back after their little offensive, so I swarm forward.
I even get to beat up a Romanian division.
The drive to Riga is looking good – let's hope the weather holds out to let me complete it!

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