They attack into the blizzard, and pay for it.
This isn't just one attack, they make several costly assaults.
Though some of them pay off!
We take the normal heavy losses in places.
But their losses have defiantly spiked this turn! That's 39 less tanks to worry about.
And this is a change in pattern – though the Red Air Force pays here.
I clean these guys up.
I add this to a already high body count.
We gain points from having lots of troops in the north.
And they lose points for not having troops up there.
I hit these guys hard as they weaken their line.
Then my forces flow into the gaps once more.
Any chance to kill Panzers is welcome.
They give me more room to move in the south as well.
Most of the line is static, but Riga is getting closer.....

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