Welcome to our playthrough of Adventuere Conquerer King! a OSR (Old School Revival) game that is focused as much on realm building as it is dungeon crawling.

Before we get to the game proper however, we’re going to do a bit of Worldbuilding!  starting with Mappa Imperia, and moveing on to Microscope, we’re going to collectivly build the world together.

As an audio podcast, Mappa Imperia i obviously not amazingly well suited, but you should be able to get a indea of what we are up to – and the maps are provided below.

The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Mappa Imperium - World building for the campaign!
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Mappa Imperium Session 2
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Microscope Session one - Worldbuilding session 3
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Microscope Session 2
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquer King Session 1
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer-Conquerer-King: Session 2- Gremlin Hunt
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer-Conquerer-King Session 3 -Arr, Pirates!
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer-Conquerer-King- Session 4 -Hit and run. For gods sake run!
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer-Conquerer-King Session 5 -Return to Town
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer,Conquerer,King - Session 6 - An Embarrisment of Riches
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 7 -Barnstorming
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer, Conquerer, King - Session 8 -Oregon Trailing
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 9 - Deep Freeze.
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer-Conquerer-King Session 10 - Kobolds Vs Traps
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 11 - The Tomb Of Dust
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 12 Further Explorations
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 13 - The Road of Constant Peril
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 14 - Old, Dead Friends
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King - Session 15 - Flee you fools!
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King-Session 16 - All at sea.
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer-King Session 17 - The-Jungles of Castoff Godstuff
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
The Lair of the Croctapus - Roleplaying Game Actual plays
Adventurer Conquerer King Session 18 - Simulacrum Court

The Campaign was unfortunaly ended at this point, as it was decided that the maths side of things was slowing the game down to much.

Hopefully you enjoyed what we did though!