A attack here reconnects some of the trapped forces.
This is another attack at one of my weak spots.
They also push back here.
It's another series of local attacks.
Annoyingly they reconnect here as well.
But overall things are quiet.
Losses are about normal.
The Germans are low on troops in western Europe.
And Norway – Everything is here.
I strike in the north.
They have pulled back a bit here, and I advance into the gap.
The drive towards Pskov continues.
I push these guys back.
Near Smolensk I the advance seems unstoppable – there are no attacks, but there are a lot of unis that are surround – now, if only I can hold them.
Here I catch and kill a Rumanian division.
Then surround another unit.
This one was a lot of clicking but not much real fighting – though Axis casualties are now up to 45k for the turn! They will be in good shape come the spring however, so don't count them out yet!

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