There are no major offensives, but lots of scattered attacks.
Where they hit, they hit hard.
Where they hit, they hit hard.
Where they hit, they hit hard.
Nor is Smolensk.
This is the closest to an offensive we see.
You know things are bad when 2:1 losses are a good week.
The Germans have lots of troops waiting for the British to invade.
Make that the Allies.
Time to start some offensives!
Time to start some offensives!
Like the Germans, I pick my attacks where I can take them.
I'm not expecting a major breakthrough, but these little attacks are nice.
Now this is a good surprise. We find a good place to make a minor advance, and we shatter an Italian division.
Now this is a good surprise. We find a good place to make a minor advance, and we shatter an Italian division.
They have pulled back at Smolensk.
Time to push into the gap.
I could go further, but that would expose my men to much.
There is not going to be much movement up here.
There is not going to be much movement up here.
Look at those sweet sweet advances.

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