There are more attacks up north.
But the line mostly holds.
Further south they hit us hard.
Opening up a huge hole.
The assault on Smolensk continues.
There are no massive breakthrough, but a general push along the front.
I'm glad I pulled those guys back!
They are not grabbing much of that land in the south.
But neither are they pushing forwards.
There are a few attacks north of Kiev.
There are fewer attacks in the south.
And it looks like we might hold.
We're close to three million losses. But the Germans lost a lot of tanks this week.
Iran is secure, so we can move troops from the Trancaucauses.
Though the extra troops are appreciated.
The Germans are doing well in North Africa though.
Another hole patched.
Time to do something here – They have some weak spots.
Yeah, this is not much, but it's a start.
And this is more tanks exploding.
We advance across the front.
I shore up this bulge, maybe I get to eliminate it later.
The south gets more troops, and time to dig in!
I draw more troops from our reserves, all men to the front!
He he he.

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