An offensive on Leningrad begins.
We are forced to retreat in several places.
The Germans start a major offensive on Smolensk.
They shift some of my troops to the south.
There is also a major push to the north of the city!
There is also a major push to the north of the city!
As does this one.
We take heavy losses in the south.
We take heavy losses in the south.
They hit our forces in the south hard!
Comerade Stalin speaks the truth.
These are obviously fake numbers
Leningrad is easy to repair.
Time to get this repaired.
As well patching the hole, I try some attacks – but their reserves are there to stop us.
Though we do get some panzers to retreat.
Things just have to go on the line.
Okay, this looks rough, I've got replacements on the way, but they will take a few turns to get there.
I so wish I could do something about that bulge – it looks ripe for cutting off, but my forces are still to weak!

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