There are some minor attacks to the north.
We all know where the bulk of the attacks are going to be this week.
The sheer numbers of German tanks break the line, and huge numbers of troops are surrounded.
They then start battering the trapped troops.
Some of the men hold well.
but I'm left with a lot of troops in pockets behind enemy lines.
The attacks in the south are more limited, but just as brutal.
In another attack the screenshot failed to grab the totals, but I lost 16,000 men in one battle.
The actual advances are again limited.
The Romanian rampage seems to have petered out.
Our losses spike again.
Our losses spike again.
But the biggest news is the early rains have begun to turn the ground to mud!
The north is stable.
At Smolensk, I reconnect one of the pockets, but the other to cut off..
All reinforcements are sent to the front – but I need more time to disembark them – as always.
I need to do something about this, as it could be a major pocket in the coming days.
This will have to do.

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