Near Leningrad my line is stronger now, and holds against some of the enemy attacks.
The attacks near Smolensk begin.
They push to the south of the Dnepr line.
We take heavy losses from massed unit attacks.
Losses are also heavy on their northern probes.
They push toward the city as well.
My losses continue to mount.
Thankfully however, the actual ground loss is minimal.
Panzer units push south of Kiev.
Though they have infantry support.
They close on the city.
They also advance up to the Dnepr.
But that is the limit of their advance.
Far south sees them cross another river
137,000 losses. And nearly 300 tanks.
South of Leningrad, I see an opportunity.
The Panzer battalion is forced to retreat, losing a fifth of it's tanks.
Another attack further west also yields results.
This front looks strong.
I move cavalry units to block that Panzer push.
I reconnect two cut off units and fill some holes, but the line looks weak after that hammering.
A bit further south, I exploit a hole to cut off two divisions. I could have gone further, but it would have lead to my own units being surrounded.
It's going to cost them to take Kiev.
But the lines south are tissue paper.
They could smash through here at any time as well.
There are reinforcements on the way, but they need time to detrain!
Someone mentioned the events- well the Axis have a good garrison.
But this is the turn partizans kick off, so the enemy supply lines should be being threatened.
This is a cool bit of history.
I feel like a hammer blow is about to fall, but for now I'm holding.

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