More surrounded units are captured.
Then they begin pushing forwards.
The northern front sees some more attacks.
Tillinn survives several attacks.
They move closer to Lenningrad, but there is no major breakthrough.
The attack on the Smolensk front continues.
This group holds the line.
Until the Germans bring up a huge force to shatter them.
They then exploit the new gap.
There is a general advance along the Keiv sector.
There is movement on the southern front.
They make gains.
But out men on the river hold, so they are minimal.
This is our lowest week of casualties. Yay!
This is my last large batch of reinforcements. My reserves are now tapped.
And I'm going to need them, this is a hole and a half in my line. Though that mechanized force is still trapped!
With the movement I have, this is the best line I can throw together.
The Leningrad front is reinforced once more. Build forts men! Build!
My forces around Kiev are well dug in. Lets hope it's enough.
On the Romanian front, I try and contain that group that has made a bridgehead across the river. It's a strong force of Germans, so I'm not hopeful my men will hold.
Is it raining yet?

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